Blast from the Past Sam Hill on Washington's promise - Pullman Herald
March 24, 1906 - Mr. Samuel Hill, of Seattle, good roads advocate and son-in-law of J. J. Hill, the railroad magnate, spoke to a large audience of students and townspeople Monday afternoon. After several selections by the orchestra Prof. B. S. Meaney, of the state university, Mr. Lindley, a capitalist of Seattle and Mr. Hill were brought in by Pres. Bryan. Following Prof. Meaney, who made a few remarks, Mr. Hill spoke on "The Producer's Interests in Transportation." He expressed his great faith in the state of Washington, pointing out that this country is the natural gateway to the orient. By means of a map he showed the convergence of several transcontinental roads on Puget Sound and likened this part of the Northwest to the tip of a funnel through which the traffic must pass.